Thursday, July 17, 2008

OK, I know a lot of people aren't going to agree with this...

Since the end of last season, Packer fans have had one question on their minds: Is Brett coming back or isn’t he? In March we thought we had the answer. A tearful Favre sat in front of the media and declared his career over. We mourned, and we got over it. So did the Packers. But, Favre never filed his official retirement with the NFL. Now, if I’m head coach Mike McCarthy, that right there should have told me something was amiss.

News came out last week that Brett not only wanted to come back, he was also asking to be released from the Packers. Fans understandably felt betrayed by the news. Favre was called a traitor and much worse in some circles of fans. I admit that was my first reaction was well. But digging deeper into the issue brings up a whole other side of the story. Favre appeared Monday and Tuesday nights in a Fox News interview taped Monday afternoon. I caught Monday’s segment but not Tuesday, so my impressions are mainly coming from that part.

The interview was in a simple format. Brett, looking and speaking passionately about the game he loves, pleaded his case. As always he was genuine, wearing his football-shaped heart on his sleeve. According the Favre, he felt pressured into giving an answer in March and gave the best one he could at the time, that he didn’t feel like he could commit to the upcoming season. No one in the world could understand the pressure he was under except Brett Favre. How would you like to be the speculation of every sports broadcaster and bar conversation nationwide? Do you think you might crack under the pressure a little too? Yes, Favre made a mistake, but hasn’t everyone? The game of football isn’t about the mistakes but how you recover from them. Favre is trying to do that.

Favre admits he screwed up, and on June 20 when he called the Packers to confess it, he was told they had moved on. At the same time, Favre says he was told the Packers couldn’t see him playing for anyone else either. I think that’s a cop out on the Packers part for both a contract and a relationship. Favre is still under contract by the Packers, and that goes both ways. The Packers should decide soon to honor it and let him play, to trade him or to release him. They’ve already announced releasing him is not an option. I will fault Favre for one thing: his disdain at the thought of playing back-up to Aaron Rodgers. Because of the position he has put himself in, he should take what he can get at this point if he is serious about playing. While I don’t doubt Aaron Rodgers’ talent, I do have concerns about his resiliency. Rodgers may begin the season as the starting quarterback, but who will finish it is another question. It could be Favre.

Favre is an inspiration to the team, and that quality can’t be overlooked. Starting or benchwarming, Favre is an asset on the field and off. I have a proposition that I think is the most fair way to decide the fate of Favre and the Packers. Bring Favre back, but make him earn the starting spot if he wants it. Make Favre and Rodgers duke it out, and may the best quarterback win.
The people most hurt in all this controversy are the fans. Packer Nation is becoming a divided one: some taking the team’s side and some taking Favre’s side. It’s no way to start a season.

1 comment:

Mike Foley said...

All good points, but I think you're missing one thing -- the Packers have made offseason moves and drafted based on NOT having Favre. Strategic decisions were made and money was spent. I'm all in favor of Favre coming back and starting for the Packers, but not at the expense of the team's future. I say if he wants to come back that bad, he should be willing to adjust his contract and play for the league minimum. That would show he is serious about his love of the game and dedication to the team.