Thursday, July 03, 2008

Gone to Camp Grandma (7/2 column)

I believe I write nearly the same, exact column every time this happens, please bear with me.

I am childless this week.

Once or twice a year, Jacob gets to go spend a week at “Camp Grandma.” He’s been doing it since he was about nine months old but I still can’t quite get over the shock of not having him around. The house is quiet when I come home at night. There’s no Sponge Bob theme song blaring, no sound of the toy box getting dumped in the middle of the living room floor and no commotion of kid and dog wrestling on the floor. (Typically, this ends with one of them crying, but then they are back at it 30 seconds later.) Speaking of the dog, even Lucy seems to be depressed. The pup has done little but sleep the entire time she’s in the house. Outside she seems bored. Or maybe she’s enjoying it.

As much as I miss Jacob this week, there is a certain freedom in his absence. On Monday I didn’t have to rush out of work to get him from day care before the deadline. I haven’t had to stop in Stetsonville to drop him off at the babysitter, or worry about who will watch him Wednesday night when I’m at the Dorchester village board meeting. I’m also not finding so much stuff out of place at home. Toys are staying in their places. Pudding cups aren’t left at random around the house. The floors don’t even have as much dirt tracked in from outside.

Since he left Sunday after lunch, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy getting things done I wouldn’t normally be able to do (at least as efficiently). Sunday afternoon I took out the weed whacker and attacked some tall grass south of the house that I’ve been too scared to take the lawn mower through. A cement block won’t damage the trimmer nearly as much as the mower. I’d never run a weed whacker before Nate and I bought one a few weeks ago. I’m learning it can be very therapeutic.

When I was done I was even able to shower without a single interruption.

In the evening I treated myself to some peaceful shopping. OK, I admit it was just to Medford, but it was relaxing not having to chase a toddler through the aisles or worry about what expensive chunk of glass he might pull off the shelves. Monday evening I was able to get more flowers planted without needing to keep one eye on Jacob to make sure he didn’t wander too close to the road.

I almost feel a little guilty sometimes that I might not be missing him enough. But then it gets to be time for bed. Lately Jacob wants to snuggle with me or Nate before he drifts off to sleep. Not having him there at bed time has made both me and Nate miss him a lot. Still, I’m not going to feel too bad about enjoying my little vacation from motherhood. I have been calling my mom and dad’s house a couple times a day just to check up on the munchkin. Thus far, I’ve barely gotten a word out of him over the phone. The most response I’ve had was Monday night when my sister handed him the phone and asked if he wanted to talk to mom.

“No,” Jacob said. “I’m watching Sponge Bob.”

I see where I rank at Camp Grandma.

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