Monday, July 07, 2008

If only...

The Fourth of July was on a Friday every year. It was nice to have a three day weekend, especially on a holiday that was "assignment light." We stayed busy though. Here's what we did.

Thursday: I get a call from Nate, "When are you going to be home? We've got hay to unload." So I unloaded five (? I lost count, but I think that's what we did) loads of hay when I got home from work. Whoop-dee-do. Then I soaked the dirt and crud off in a hot bath and went to bed early.

Friday: Cheryl and I picked four gallons of strawberries. I got some groceries and Sure-Jel and made two batches of strawberry freezer jam. I've still got a whole gallon left and I need to buy a chest freezer before I can do any more. We went to the fireworks in Medford Friday night and had a couple at the bar afterwards.

Saturday: I got up early and made two salads, then Nate and I went to my grandparents for lunch. We met my mom and Kaitlyn there to hand off Jacob. Boy, was he excited to see us! We spent a good part of the afternoon there, then headed back north. That night we all went to the NTPA pulls. Jacob fell asleep on Grandpa Tony's lap still wearing his ear muffs.

Sunday: Jacob and I headed to Eau Claire and met Jen and Cindy for lunch, arcade and shopping. Jacob hit the 250 ticket jackpot on a wheel game (he pulled the handle then hit the stop button). After we spent all our money we putzed around the mall for a while, then said our good byes and headed home. Cindy sent a new toy for Jacob: a red Powerwheels Chevy truck. The battery is on the charger now and Nate can't wait to teach Jacob how to drive it.

Also, I got some big news over the weekend. It's still hush-hush, so it will stay quiet for now, but there will be a big announcement in the future! I will say we're thrilled Jacob will finally have a playmate. And no, I'm not pregnant.

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