Monday, April 02, 2007

So much for the season...

I was part of a rather chaotic and frightening event Saturday: the local Easter Egg Hunt.

I've never seen so many greedy people in one place. During the actual egg hunt, Jacob and I almost got run over trying to pick up our 15 eggs. Dragging a little kid through a sloppy wet field with a camera bag and egg pail was pure hell. Jacob has little legs so we couldn't move very fast. When we would finally get to a group of eggs, other kids would swipe them right from under Jacob's little hands. It was worse than being at a summer parade. I'm sure I looked ridiculous out there, but I had to chase down the eggs for Jacob before the other kids took them all.

And remember the 15 egg limit? I literally saw parents carrying gallon pails piled full with eggs for their one or two kids. Guess they just can't count around here. Meanwhile, Jacob and I got six. Thankfully, a kind parent who's kid gathered a few too many took pity on us and gave us the rest of our quota.

After the hunt, which lasted less than 10 minutes to pick up almost 5,000 eggs, we stayed for the torturous raffle drawing. Jacob and I each received a ticket at registration, so we parked ourselves outside where the PA system was loud and clear to wait for our numbers. Finally Jacob's was called. I waded through the crowd, saying "Excuse, I just need to pick up a prize," over and over again. No one moved, mostly because they couldn't since it was so packed. Apparently these people thought they would have better chances if they crammed themselves in as close as they could to the prize table.

There were a few bright spots: Jacob got a kick out of the giant Easter bunny sitting in the corner. He went running over to it, only to have it wave at him. He jumped back as he realized it was a real person. He later made friends with the rabbit enough to sit on his lap for a picture.

Leaving was my favorite part.

I guess some people might have fun at those things, but if it wasn't for my job I'd never go back to one again. I do have to go to one this Saturday, but I'm going prepared this time. I'm taking Nate with me for a bouncer.

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