Monday, April 30, 2007

Inside my crazy brain...

Once again, I have no big topic to discuss this week. So, back by popular demand, here’s another episode of “Random Thoughts.”

--Nate and I went to Miller Park Saturday to watch the Brewers and Astros. I’m steadily becoming a Brewer fan, although I still can’t stomach watching a baseball game on TV. There’s just nothing quite like being right there. On TV you miss the sausage races, fan trivia, fireworks and Bernie going down the big yellow slide. If you haven’t been to Miller Park yet, plan a trip this summer.

Another great aspect of the Brewer stadium is actually outside. Pre-game tailgating is just one huge party. The smokey charcoal grills with sizzling brats is not to be missed, not to mention the cold drinks. After all, the park and team were named after frosty beverages.

--Another reason for Saturday’s trip was to spend quality time with my husband who I haven’t seen much of lately. It’s spring fieldwork season, so all Nate’s free time is spent on a tractor or fixing a piece of equipment he broke while on the tractor. Nights aren’t much better. Nate tends to work in the fields until he absolutely has to stop to milk cows. By then, it’s on the late side and then it’s after 10 p.m. before he comes in the driveway.

Overall, Nate’s been in a good mood lately, as have most farmers I think. Although the state’s a little behind the five-year average for getting the oats in, the great weather the last few days should help many catch up or even get ahead. The fields are actually pretty dry, which is both good and a little scary. Lately it seems dry springs translate into dry summers. Also, some moisture would kick-start the grass and rest of the plants to green up a little more. Some leaves on the trees would be welcome right now.

--The move is getting closer and closer...I think. We’re still holding out hope we’ll be moving directly into the new house without a layover with Nate’s mom and dad. New to the house in the last few weeks are kitchen cabinets, lighting in the great room, bathroom cabinets and an outside light beside the kitchen door. However, move-in ready it is not. Yes, there’s a kitchen sink, a bathroom sink and toilet, but none are hooked up yet. Doors have yet to be installed and some interior wood wall covering needs to be lacquered. However, I’d take plumbing over privacy any day.

--Since we’ll be moving soon, I’ve started to take inventory in the house for an efficient relocation. Or an attempt at it anyway. It’s amazing how much stuff I’ve forgotten I had: clothes, pictures, knickknacks, toys, shoes, etc. I keep telling myself if I haven’t touched it in a year, I don’t need it. However, it’s tempting to horde these new found treasures, but my conscience keeps getting in the way.

“Have a garage sale,” it says. Maybe I will, but not until after spring planting. My box carrier is busy in the fields right now.

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