Friday, April 06, 2007


So, the big news from my family is my sister Kirsten decided to enlist in the Air Force. I'm glad for her because I think it will give her the direction she needs right now, plus the chance to get ahead financially in the future. She would like to go back to college someday, but just needs a way to pay for it right now. Yay GI Bill.

Kirsten passed her physical yesterday and got her military ID card. She is on delayed entry, so she won't be leaving for basic training in San Antonio until sometime after June 15. Mom and I are thinking we might roadtrip down for her graduation and maybe visit my aunt who moved from San Bernadino, Calif., to Houston a while back.

Nate said to me last night what I'd been thinking about it: "I hope she likes it." My response was I'd never met anyone who went into the military voluntarily who didn't like it. I hadn't thought about it like that before, but it does make me feel a little better.

Anyway, hope you all keep her in your prayers as she takes on this new challenge. Congrats Kirsten!

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