Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Random thoughts from 6/4

These last few weeks have been hectic to say the least. I’ve found myself needing to prioritize quite a bit. Unfortunately, “prioritizing” is really just a fancy way to put “deciding what to let slide.” Two things have become very apparent that I need to address them. The first is my blog, a little blip on the World Wide Web I use to keep family and friends updated on the goings-on in the Eckert household. I got two complaints this week. I checked and I haven’t updated it since April 16. Has it been that long?

The second are the floors in my house. Our floors are 95 percent laminate, supposedly one of the most low maintenance floors there is. As I looked at it walking into the house at 10:15 p.m. last night, it definitely needs a little maintenance. So what have I been so busy with? Here’s just a peek.
I attended my first Colby High School graduation Friday night. As far as graduations go, I was impressed. It was longer than some but it didn’t seem like it. The speeches were entertaining and the music was moving. When I graduated the crowd was instructed not to applaud and instead wait until an entire row was finished. At Colby each graduate was given the opportunity to stand and be recognized. It seemed to truly celebrate the class’s achievement.
Saturday turned out to be a free day, so I spent it sleeping in an hour later than usual, then running errands with Jacob. The little guy finally seems to be outgrowing the terrible twos and is a lot of fun to be around. Although, I’m starting to think he may not ever outgrow the slightly embarrassing announcement he makes every time we walk into my credit union: “Sucker!”
Sunday morning was spent at the Abbotsford Dairy Breakfast. This was the first time I’d attended this event as well, and I wasn’t disappointed. It was apparent how much hard work goes into the day, and how dedicated the volunteers are. What a great way to salute area dairy farmers.
Monday was the big meeting to talk about Jacob’s potential speech therapy needs with our school district. With his history of ear infections, which led to ear tubes, it was no surprise when he was called back for further evaluation. As it turns out, he’s not as far behind as I was expecting. While he does qualify for extra help, district officials said it was really up to us if we wanted to have him do speech or just wait and see if he catches up on his own.

While Nate and I both agree Jacob should get help if he needs it, we’re going to wait and see how he does for the next month. It seems like he’s finally making leaps and bounds in the past few weeks. One thing is certain: we’ve been needing to watch what we say around him a lot more.
This Friday I won’t be in the office. I’ll be heading home to see my sisters. Kirsten graduated from the Air Force’s weather forecasting school May 21 and came home Thursday for some time home before she reports to her new base. My youngest sister, Kaitlyn, is graduating from high school Friday night, so it will be a two-fold celebration. She is planning to attend UW-River Falls next year for pre-veterinary science.

Congratulations to both Nelson family graduates!

Addition: Kristopher was supposed to graduate 8th grade Thursday. No ceremony for him since they called off the last week of school due to flooding.

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