Friday, February 24, 2006

Booked Vegas

I’m not really one for planning vacations. For me all travel plans are soft until everyone is packed and in the car. For example, my mom is coming to visit this weekend. While she watches Jacob, Nate and I are supposed to go somewhere Saturday afternoon until Sunday morning. I have no idea where we’re going, and apparently it’s my job to plan it. I guess I’ll have to decide Saturday morning before Nate gets back from chores.

I like to claim I’m spontaneous. Really, it’s probably more a combination of procrastination and indecisiveness when it comes to travel. But I did something really radical earlier this week. I booked my summer vacation. Now before you all think I’m a changed person, this vacation is not really our brainchild. Two friends are getting married in Las Vegas July 6. It’s an excuse to take a vacation that requires flight so I’ll take it.

Planning a summer vacation is just the thing to beat the sub-zero blues. I love flying, and I haven’t done it for about two years so it will be a treat. I’ve never been to Vegas, and Nate was there as a kid, so we just went along with the crowd when picking the hotel. We picked a little more upscale one on the strip, the same where our friends are getting married. It’s slightly more expensive, but two considerations come into play. First, that’s where the wedding is so it will be less walking. And second, I doubt we’ll get back there anytime soon, if at all, so we want to enjoy ourselves while we can.

Since we’ll be there for the Fourth of July, we’re hoping we’ll find some fireworks and celebrations. The biggest drawback is we’re visiting in July. However, I’ve been assured practically the whole city is air conditioned. Meanwhile, Jacob will be spending his first Independence Day with Grandma Debbie and the rest of the circus act. That’s the only part that makes this trip bittersweet. Jacob and I haven’t spent a night more than 20 feet apart since he was born. I’ll miss my little boy. Just like I missed Nate when we spent the weekend visiting people five hours apart a few weeks ago.

That’s a main purpose of my mom coming this weekend, to wean me and Jacob of each other. I figured we’d start slow: one night this weekend and two or three in the spring. Maybe by July I’ll be ready to let him go for a week. Maybe not.

Instead of worrying about it, I’ll have to comfort myself with researching the different attractions and entertainment in Vegas for now. And once we get there maybe I’ll be so busy with enjoying the wedding and having fun, I won’t even think about him that much. Maybe not. I even feel guilty about leaving him at daycare while I run errands if I get out of work early.

Now I know why parents bring their kids presents when they go on trips without them. It’s not to make the kid feel better. It’s to make the parents feel better.

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