Friday, February 03, 2006

I miss college, or not

Some days I miss college an awful lot. Although I was poorer and had more drama, it sure was a lot of fun. Here’s a typical college day for me. I’d get up about an hour before class so I had time for a shower and checking e-mail. Unless class started before 10 a.m., then I would stay in bed until I absolutely had to get up. I’d throw on whatever comfortable clothes I had clean, usually a sweatshirt and jeans. A hat was added to the wardrobe on days with early morning class. Then I’d tie on my tennis shoes, throw on my backpack and walk to class.

After sitting through Professor Dull's 55 minute lecture, I’d head to the Student Center for a little breakfast or lunch, which ever meal it was closest to. After some socializing, it was back to a few more classes. Late afternoons were times for studying, usually in front of the television. Then it was supper, sorority meetings and more studying. If it was a Thursday night, maybe a trip to the local tavern for a study break. I’d also work a few hours of a part-time job in there as well.

I call that a typical day, but the great part of college is it’s completely flexible. I was only accountable to myself. So if I wanted to skip class, whether to finish a paper, study for a test, or take an impromptu shopping trip, that was up to me. The key to a fulfilling college career is the class schedule. The combination of classes is important as to not overload oneself. Also, avoid professors that have an attendance policy. The actual schedule can make or break a semester. I usually tried to work in a day off, preferably Thursday or Friday, to catch up on homework. Classes that are too early are detrimental to your social life if you’re not a morning person like me. I preferred not to start before 10 a.m. But I would compromise on that rule if I could get all my classes in by noon so I could take an afternoon nap.

But now, I guess I’ve moved up in the world. I have a job, husband and child. That means no more afternoon naps, shopping trips or staying up late on weeknights. Although many of my friends have graduated, a few are still in college. Many are still living the college lifestyle on weekends. A very few, but not many, have grown up. I’m the first to have a kid though, so that makes it hard for them to understand why I can’t drop everything and come visit for the weekend.

Even if I did go, Jacob would have to come with me, which eliminates any chance of a late night at the bar. But my college friends are also missing out on a lot they don’t realize yet. Yes, Jacob sometimes wakes me up for the day at 6 a.m., but it’s usually with a squeal and a big grin. He has the morning person gene, but I haven’t figured out where he got that from. I’m also looking forward to family trips, like to a cartoon movie, the zoo, circus or anywhere else two adults would seem strange without a kid in tow.

I still miss college some days. But most days I’m content to just spend it with my boys. Who needs another research paper anyway?

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