Monday, March 02, 2009

An update

Well, I don't really have too much to write about, but it's been two weeks since an update so I better come up with something.

Let's see... NAte spent the weekend ice fishing with the guys Feb. 20-22, so I took the chance for a little getaway with Jacob to Eau Claire to see my college friends, Jen and Cindy, their husbands and Cindy's now two-month old baby, Baby Nathan (they called my guy Baby Jacob for at least two years so I get to do the same now.:) We met for an early dinner, then headed to an arcade place called Action City for some games. Jacob's getting a lot better at them now that we've been there three times, so he had a blast. Baby Nathan has gotten a lot bigger since I saw him six weeks before! He's getting to be a little chunk and growing out of his scrawny newborn-ness. Jacob also gets a kick out of seeing him since we don't really get to see little babies too often. Guess that will change in a few months!

I'm starting to think Jacob will actually make a pretty good big brother, though having to share attention is probably going to be a shock to his system. He seems to understand Mom has a baby in her tummy and will sometimes give my belly kisses. "I'm kissing the baby!" he said. Melts my heart. Flipper is moving around more now, though maybe not as much as I want. I feel little nudges mostly in the very top or bottom, which makes me wonder if I have an anterior placenta because I don't feel anything in the middle. I'll find out Friday at the big (and possibly only) ultrasound. We won't find out if Flipper's a boy or a girl, but I'll be happy to get some pictures and reassurance that he/she is healthy. Since my hypertension diagnosis that's a thought that's been bothering me quite a bit. I also have a regular OB appointment after the ultrasound, so I'm hoping my BP is in the normal range and no protein!! I haven't gained a lot of weight in the last few weeks, may a pound or two, but that's find with me. I wanted to lose a few pounds before getting pregnant, so I'm home to stay closer to the normal 25 pounds instead of the 48 I gained with Jacob.

In other news, Nate did the outhouse race again this year. His team came in 3rd overall out of 15 teams and they took home a trophy (special roll of toilet paper) for 2nd in the under 39 teams. They changed the course a little this year, and Nate wasn't so beat to hell when they got done like last year. I'll post pictures when I have high speed sometime. My pictures just don't load with dial-up!

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