Thursday, October 11, 2007

Update long overdue

I've been completely crazy busy: 50-plus hour weeks, meetings every night, weekend stuff, etc. Sorry I haven't updated, but I'm pleased to announce the Eckert household has stepped into the 21st century. Since last week, we now have a phone line, a laptop AND internet service. I'm still working on the new computer, but hopefully I'll be updating more often and even putting up a few pictures, if our dial up can handle it.

We're still reviewing resumes and have gotten some promising ones, so I'm hoping we will hire soon. I've been thinking some about the editor job, and I just don't know that it's for me. It just doesn't in to my long term goals, which are to raise my (hopefully expanding in the next few years) family, be a good mom and wife and an active part of the farm. These last few weeks have taught me that its impossible to give one 100% without neglecting the other.

On a happier, not so deep note, Nate started combining today, so he's all excited. Until something breaks then he'll be crabby. Jacob's babysitter had surgery yesterday, so he's home with me this afternoon. We had a substitute babysitter, and he seemed to get along great with her. I guess it helped she had a kitty.

I've been cooking a lot lately, much to Nate's delight. Strangely it usually helps me relax, even though it means I have to grocery shop for more than just frozen pizzas and hamburger helper.

This weekend I have a few photo assignments but will mostly be around home. Next weekend we're heading to Racine for Nate's cousin's wedding. Yay for a roadtrip and getting away from work!

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