Sunday, March 23, 2008

A new addition to our family

Well, I finally talked Nate into getting a puppy. My mom and dad had to have Josie, the Boston Terrier I got right before my senior year of high school, put down a few weeks ago. She had cancer. So, I decided this spring we were going to get a puppy and this is what I got:

Jake and Lucy

This is Lucy, Jacob's new "little sister" watching Scooby Doo. Lucy is a yellow lab (purebred but no papers). She was from a litter of three and the family that raised her had both the mom and dad. She was a little shy at first, but now she's all puppy. Nate says just watching her and Jacob play was worth getting her. She's about 12 weeks old and weighs 25 pounds with huge paws, so I think she's going to be big girl.

(Dial up doesn't like the photo tool, so I had to add it with html. If you have trouble with it cutting part of it off, just click on it to bring up the entire thing.)

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