Friday, September 07, 2007

Funniest OWI I've heard lately

If you're going to get an OWI, go big. This is from my paper. The story was picked up nationally. I think I'd miss these sorts of things if I decide to leave newspapers. Enjoy!!

Two Dorchester men were arrested Aug. 18 in Abbotsford for drunk driving in the same vehicle. Harvey J. Miller, 43, and Edwin H. Marzinske, 55, were each cited for OWI following a traffic stop after an officer discovered they were jointly operating a vehicle.
According to the report a Colby/ Abbotsford officer observed a vehicle at 2:40 a.m. traveling at 29 mph in a 25 mph zone. As the vehicle approached the parked squad it slowed to 18 mph and came within inches of striking the squad as it passed. The officer also noticed the license plate lamp was not working.
The officer pulled out to follow the vehicle and observed it cross the centerline as it turned on to Hi Line Ave. The vehicle drifted in its lane and traveled 35 mph in a 55 mph zone, the officer noted. A traffic stop was conducted and as it pulled over it came very close to going in the ditch.
As he spoke to Miller, who was in the driver’s seat, the officer could detect an odor of intoxicant. He admitted he had too much to drink. Miller told the officer his license was revoked for OWI, then said he was not driving. The officer asked what he meant and Miller said he was only steering the vehicle but could not operate the pedals because he did not have any legs.
Marzinske, the vehicle’s owner and passenger sitting in the center of the truck, told the officer he was working the pedals while Miller was steering. The officer noted he had a mushy speech pattern and red, glassy eyes. He asked the officer if they were speeding. When he said no Marzinske told the officer Miller was drunk and he was only operating the pedals.
A third person in the truck, who the officer observed was also clearly intoxicated, said he had no drivers license. He was allowed to leave the vehicle and walk home.
After field sobriety tests on both operators, Miller was arrested for OWI (3rd) and Marzinske was arrested for OWI (2nd).
Both were transported to the department and submitted evidentiary breath samples. Miller’s recorded .16 percent and Marzinske’s recorded .09 percent.
Both also received citations for exceeding the .08 percent blood-alcohol limit and operating after revocation. They were released to a responsible sober person who agreed to take custody of them and remove their vehicle from the roadway.

Just for clarification, the guy was not legless, but is paraplegic.

Here's the follow up story in the Marshfield paper if you want to read their side of things and see a photo of the "Abby Idiots": Click here.

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