Thursday, July 05, 2007

Why I was crabby earlier this week

Lately I’ve started to feel old. You’d think after leaving college, getting a “real” job and having a baby would have have done it before, but it wasn’t until these last few weeks I’ve really felt it. Where I’ve felt it is in my back. Over the past few years my body has started aging on me. I used to be able to work on the farm all day, go out all night, and get up the next day and do it all over again. But lately it seems any kind of physical exertion outside of my normal routine causes trouble. The next day my whole body aches and all I want to do is sleep.

The past few weeks I’ve had a bit of a sore back. I blamed it on sleeping on a mediocre mattress for the past six weeks and spending more time bending over in the garden. I took it easy last week after the graduation party, and I seemed to be feeling much better. But this weekend I really abused it and I’m paying for it now.

On Saturday I helped unload a few loads of hay. When it comes to mowing hay, there are two jobs: the wagon or the mow. Both have their bad points. In the mow, it gets hot and there’s usually not much air moving. Plus, you have to swing the bales up to the stack.In the wagon, there’s fresh air, but you can get a sunburn and if you are working solo like I was, you have to handle every bale. I figured it was about 10 steps per bale. I’m not sure exactly how much they each weighed or how many were on a wagon, but I figured I got a workout.

Sunday morning I woke up a little stiff but nothing unusual. With the first crop finally all done, Nate and I decided to tackle moving the rest of our stuff from storage in Medford to the farm. First we had to empty our furniture out of the trailer into the house. There are a few rooms nearly complete (one just needs paint) where we can store our furniture. Once we had the trailer cleared we headed to town. There we loaded all the boxes from the storage barn at Nate’s aunt and uncle’s house to the trailer. I took the job of stacking it in the trailer so it wouldn’t shift while Nate and his uncle pulled boxes from the shed. Afterwards we made a stop for ice cream, then headed home. A quick aside on the house, if everything goes as planned, we will close on it Aug. 1.

On Monday morning when I headed downstairs at Nate’s mom and dad’s, my foot slipped on the second to last stair and I landed hard against the stairs and tile below. I’m not sure what did it, the fall, the lifting, the mattress or a little of all three, but my lower back has been a mess since then. I apologize to anyone I was short with this week. Back pain, as well as feeling old, makes me crabby.

Update: Feeling better, but I can't wait to get my cushy mattress back instead of the firm one we're using now.

Also, you can find the most recent photos of Jacob here.

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