Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Daggone varmints!

We had a visitor to the corn silage bags a few weeks ago: a northern Wisconsin black bear. Judging by the size of its claw marks and pictures from a neighbor's deer camera, he's probably about 300 pounds. He was definitely going for the corn silage, but luckily the damage wasn't as bad as it could have been. He clawed open a hole about three feet from the end we were feeding out of (stupid bear, why didn't he just dig in the opening? Then he bumbled past a covered pile of haylage and a bag of haylage to rip open the end of another corn silage bag. We will be able to salvage most of the corn silage, but if he had tore into the middle of the bag it would have been a different story.

The DNR came out that day and set up two traps. Basically, they are culverts with a screen and coffee can of bait (cookies and other sweet goodies) one one end. When the bait pail is pulled on the door on the other end drops. Apparently the bear didn't find anything yummy enough to stick around for. He hasn't been back to the bags since, but he has been messing the the neighbor's deer camera on a regular basis. If we catch him, I'll post more pictures.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sad, I know

Another month has passed before I could get a post in, as Cindy has pointed out to me. I'm not writing a weekly column anymore so that puts a crimp in my blog posts. Now I actually have to write something original.

Let see. I've been working at the Star News now for about a month, give or take. My official title is reporter which is pretty accurate. It's been a bumpier transition that I thought it would be, but that's a whole other conversation. I also help with special sections at both offices, but that's part of my job description, not my title. I got a new camera just like the one I used in Abby, a Canon Rebel XSi, expect this one came with a 70-300mm lens for $50 less than what it sold for a few months ago. I really like it so if you are looking for a decent SLR and a price that's not crazy high, I suggest this one.

We've had a few changes on the home front too. The parlor is DONE!!!!! We milked in it for the first time Sept. 30, a day short of two months past the original completion date. Six weeks behind schedule with the concrete work this spring is what screwed that up. The first week we used it I helped milk cows in the morning, went to work until 5 p.m., then came home and went back into the barn. I was exhausted, and I don't know how anyone can work full-time and dairy farm without going nuts.

So far, everyone seems to really like the parlor. Our best milking time is about 1 hour 20 minutes for about 75 cows right now, which is on track with what it should be. The cows have adapted well and so have the people for the most part. Wish the cows would milk more, but that's more to blame on the 2007 corn crop. There's a few more finishing touches on the way. Rubber mats for the pit floor and teat dip foamers, to name a few. The final price tag came in earlier this week and it was right on budget, so that's good too. Stop in a see it sometime if you get the chance.

Jacob had his three-year old check up a few weeks back. He's still big for his age, but proportionate. He was at the 95th percentile for height for his age and 88 percent for weight. His doctor said he's as tall as the average 4 year old right now. He's decided to be a puppy for Halloween so bought fleece that is white with black spots to make him a costume. I'll post pictures when I get it done.

Other than that, all is well. We're going to a wedding in Ripon this weekend of some college friends. Vicki is one of my sorority sisters and Matt is a fraternity brother of Nate's so it should be a good time. Also coming up in December is a trip to Vegas which we need to finish planning. I definitely need a vacation!